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Finding Myself in Las Vegas

I never meant for it to happen. When I first started working as a maid in Mr. Thompson’s home, he was just my boss—nothing more. He was married, successful, and way out of my league. But something about him drew me in, even when I tried to ignore it. He had this quiet charm, a way of making me feel seen, even though I was just the girl cleaning his house. His wife was always away, caught up in her own world, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was lonely.

One evening, I was finishing up my chores when Mr. Thompson asked me to stay a little longer. He looked so tired, and I could sense something deeper beneath his usual confident exterior. We sat in the dim light of his study, talking in a way we never had before. For the first time, he wasn’t just my boss—he was a man sharing his thoughts, his frustrations. I felt closer to him than ever, and before I knew it, the distance between us disappeared.

That night, everything changed. We ended up in his bedroom, and I let myself fall into something I had never imagined. I knew it was wrong, I knew he had a wife, but in that moment, nothing else mattered. It was just him and me, and the world outside didn’t exist.

Afterward, I thought I could let it go, that it would just be one night. But now, I can’t stop thinking about him. I’m more in love with him than ever, and every time I see him, my heart aches. He still looks at me with those same eyes, and I wonder if he feels it too—the connection we shared. But he goes back to his life, and I’m left with mine, knowing that nothing can ever really come of it. Yet, I can’t help but hope, even though I know I’m in too deep.

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